Greg and Eric's Web Page
 hummbird.gif here

This page is KID RATED, meaning all content is acceptable for younger minds.

PARENTS: It is your responsibility to monitor what your children do while on the web. There are many software packages available to limit the content of what they have access to. USE THEM !! They are there for your peace of mind as well as to keep the Internet a place of free speech.

If you were able to purchase a PC, you can surely pay the small price for one of these software packages.

The following tools are available to aid parental control of viewing:

SurfWatch SafeSurf
WebTrack Cyber Patrol

Yahooligans! - Yahoo's kids search engine
Children's Stories, Poems, Pictures and Sounds - Just as it says
Ace Kids - ACEkids Cool Sites
LDavid's Grab Bag Page - Dinosaurs
Directory of /SimTel - A directory of educational programs (if still active)
Fun Stuff for Web Pages - Stuff for Kids Web Pages
Kids Homepages - Links to kids web pages
Madison Elementary Homepage - Cedar Rapids NW side elementary school
Truman Elementary - Cedar Rapids NW side elementary school
Muppets Home Page - The Official Muppets Homepage
Novagate Kids' Page
NWF's Ranger Rick - National Wildlife Federation's Ranger Rick E-zine
Rachel's Collection of Kid's Pages
Story Land, Glen, New Hampshire
The Field Museum of Natural History - FMNH (Chicago)
The Nixon Library & Birthplace - The Nixon Library - one of Dad's favorites
The Presidents (Hoover thru Clinton) - Presidential Information and links to Presidential Libraries on the Web
Theodore Tugboat - Canadian kids television program
Today's aha! lineup...
Tori's Page - A very nicely done kids page
What's New on Yahoo - School Bell (Mon Feb 3, 1997)
WWF - GLOBAL NETWORK - World Wildlife Federation - really great graphics
Yahoo! - Around the World:People

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Last Updated at 17:00 on February 15, 2003.
We're kids, so send us some e-mail. It's always nice to hear from other kids.