Iowa farm scene

Cedar Rapids has many organizations to help in time of need, to teach or for fun. On this page you can find links to many of the non-profit and social organizations in the area.

Helpful Organizations

Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Information on the Big Brother/Big Sister program.
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency - The Waste people - check their site for recycling and proposed dump site information.
Consumer Reports - RECALLS - Information on product recalls from Consumer Reports.
CR Live - Information on the happenings in our city council.
Iowa Democratic Party Information - Iowa Democrat page.
Iowa Department Of Economic Development - Information on economic development issues.
Iowa Dept. of Transportation - Check out this site - especially in summer - for information on road construction projects, etc.
Iowa Republican Party Information - Iowa GOP page.
More Iowa Republican Party Information - Links for Iowa GOP info.
Iowa State University Extension - ISU Extension service page.
KBrews Storm Spotting Frequencies - Radio frequencies for the Storm Spotter network.
LWV - League Of Women Voters of Iowa Home Page.
Linn County Health Department Air Quality Division - Air Quality information available here.
Linn County Iowa Gen Web Page - Local genealogical info.
Public Service Frequencies - Linn County Public Service frequencies.
Lions Club - The Cedar Rapids Lions Club.
NAACP - The Cedar Rapids Branch of NAACP.
Rape Victim Advocacy Program - If you've been a victim of rape, contact these folks for information and referral.
Recycle Iowa Home Page - Recycling information we can all use.
United Way - United Way of East Central Iowa.
YMCA - Cedar Rapids Metro YMCA.

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Last Updated at 17:00 on February 15, 2003.
These links are checked frequently, but if you find one that doesn't work, send me an e-mail to help keep this a quality links page for Cedar Rapids/Linn County and Iowa.

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